How to set SMART Goals in 2022

How to set SMART Goals in 2022
January 1, 2022 No Comments Uncategorized drparkspbh

The Ultimate Guide To Goal Setting

Hi all,

Happy New Year!

Out with the old, in with the new.

I hope everyone had a happy, safe, and relaxing holiday season.

Hopefully everyone got what they wanted and more.

The time with loved ones and making good memories.

Another year has passed, and another one has rolled in.

It’s time to embrace the new year and its new opportunities.

Let this be YOUR year.

Prepare for 2022 by setting SMART goals.

We’ve all heard of New Year’s resolutions.

Maybe you, or your family have set goals in the past.

Unfortunately, most people don’t complete their New Year’s resolutions.

Somewhere along the line, there was a fault in the planning.

Or maybe the bar was set too high.

Regardless of the reasons, it’s time to create and follow a new plan that will help you prosper in 2022.

This is where SMART goal-setting comes into play.

What does SMART Stand For?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

SMART Goals encourage you to turn your aspirations into more actionable objectives so you can clearly see the progress you’ve made.

The abbreviation “S.M.A.R.T.” helps you achieve your goals by setting them appropriately.

What is goal setting?

Goal setting is the process of overcoming an objective to get you where you want to be.

Once you identify your goal, you can then make a plan to achieve your goal.

Why is goal setting important?

Goals we set are goals we get.

When you set goals, you are taking active steps to take control over your life.

These can be goals in your professional life, personal life, and romantic life.

Your reasons are yours alone.

Regardless of your reason, your personal why gives you the strength to overcome obstacles.

Your goals set the direction of your life, and help you get there.

They help you evolve.

What are the steps to achieve your SMART goals?

Step 1: What results do you want to see?

Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve.

Take a step back- envision a clear picture of what you want.

Ask yourself these types of questions.

  • Is this what I really want?
  • Can I spend hours each day, and weeks (or even months) in achieving this goal?
  • Will the outcome be worth it?

If you’re not willing to put in the time, it may not be worth pursuing.

These are questions only you can answer, but that gives you the power to choose.

Step 2: Create SMART Goals.

Once you’ve identified what you truly want, now you can ensure your goals meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria.

I created this infographic so you can see what this all means.

Check it out below.

SMART Goal Infographic

Step 3: Write your goals down.

When you write down your goals, they become tangible.

Now you have something you can look at and refer to.

A study from the University of Scranton shows that only 8% of people who set goals actually achieve them.

A study from Michigan State University proved that 76% of people who wrote their goals down achieved them.

Only 43% of those with unwritten goals successfully completed them.

When you write your goals down and put them say, on the fridge, it serves as a GPS for your goals.

Keep your list of goals somewhere visible so you can remind yourself.

Step 4: Create an action plan.

Now it’s time to create a plan of action.

Remember the 5 Ps.

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor performance.

Maybe your goal is to meditate for 20 minutes per day.

If you were already meditating for 30 minutes each day, it wouldn’t be a goal.

So now you have to break down 30 minutes into manageable chunks.

First the first week, you might start with 5 minutes.

The following week you might step up to 10 minutes.

And so on, until you reach your 30-minute goal.

Step 5: Create a timeline.

A timeline creates a sense of urgency.

This motivates you to stay on schedule and finish your goal.

Your timeline is unique to you and depends on what your goal is.

Step 6: Take action.

You know your goal.

You have a plan in place.

Now it’s time to take action.

This is where many people get lost…

Every step you take should lead to another until you reach your goal.

Step 7: Re-evaluate and assess your progress.

You need to keep your motivation strong to complete your goal.

Never give up.

Many people quit right before they’re about to succeed.

That’s because you’re about to have a massive breakthrough.

And you feel like quitting because you’re stressed and want to see results.

It gets better.

You just have to keep trying.

And stick to the plan.

Know your why.

“The meaning of resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” The key words are “firm decision”. If you make a firm decision about something then you must also take action and set a deadline, in other words, set a goal!” 


Let’s have a quick chat. Come with me where I break down SMART Goals:

So take a look.

I examine what SMART Goals are and how to set goals you can achieve.

It’s time to dive deep.

I know this can all be overwhelming.

You may be wondering; how can I do all this?

It seems like a lot because it’s a new process to you.

But it’s time to work smarter, and not harder, hence the term “SMART” Goal.

So get comfortable, and let’s discuss it.

Save this video for whenever you want a quick reference to SMART goals.

Thank you for watching.

I hope you found the content inspiring and useful.

Because now it’s about YOU.

I want you to apply what I’ve told you in the video.

I’ve made a list of the top 15 new year’s resolutions people tell me.

These are only suggestions, and your goals are your choice.

Set a goal you want to reach in 2022.

Apply the SMART Goal setting process, to help you achieve your goals.

15 New Year’s Resolutions for a Prosperous 2022

1. Manage your time better

We all have the same 24 hours in a day;

It’s what you DO with those hours that counts.

Make your time worth it.

Learning how to effectively manage your time is a great goal to have in 2022.

If you’re spending an hour at the gym everyday, make that the best hour you possibly can.

You get out of it what you put into it.

You just have to create a schedule and remain consistent.

Don’t waste your time.

2. Create an exercise routine

Strong body, strong mind.

From better sleep to improved mood, exercising is an effective way to improve your life in all areas.

That doesn’t mean you have to spend 2 hours in the gym each day-

Starting with a yoga routine or riding a bike is a great start to staying in shape.

You’ll not only look better, but feel better as you release endorphins and burn calories.

Adopting an exercise form, in some way shape or form will benefit you.

Start small, see what you like, and go from there.

3. Create balance in your life

There is more to life than work and paying bills.

While working brings in money, working too much can be very unhealthy on your mind and body.

It can stress you out and eventually lead to burn out.

Take the time to nurture your relationships.

Spend time with loved ones who’ve missed you while you’ve been working.

You can even take the time to learn a new hobby.

Making time for your relationships and new activities will clear your mind and make you more productive.

It creates a sense of peace in your life.

4. Pay off your debt

Debt is like a black cloud that hangs over your head.

I get it, between student loans, car loans, mortgages, and shopping, it’s easy to rack up debt.

Taking charge of your finances is what will set you free financially.

If you have debt, start making a plan to get out of debt.

No debt is good.

Once you’ve paid off your debt, you’ll have more money to do other things like family vacations.

Until then, making consistent payments to attack your debt is a priority.

5. Start a side-hustle

With everything now online, there’s a sea of possibilities.

Turning your hobby into income is a possibility in 2022.

And that’s just one way of doing it.

Have an in-demand skill?

There’s reputable online job boards with opportunities for you.

You can also freelance, create a gig on Fiverr, and more.

If you want to make more money, there’s opportunity where you seek it.

6. Drink less (or quit drinking)

Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can wreak havoc on your body.

What’s often used socially can eventually become a vice.

So many people struggle with alcohol and drug addiction because of stress.

Always remember, it’s okay to ask for help and there’s always someone willing to help you.

Always be honest with yourself.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and want to escape, just remember;

You’re not really escaping from your problems; your delaying them.

It’s okay to ask for help.

7. Read more books

Reading is one of the best ways to relax.

It’s also one of the healthiest activities for your mind.

Here are some reading suggestions for 2022.

It doesn’t matter what you choose to read, or your type of book.

People read what they’re into and no one can tell you what to read.

There’s educational books.

There’s reading for entertainment.

Some people prefer paperback,

while others prefer kindle.

There is no wrong anwser,

just get inspired and dive in.

8. Spend time alone

This may sound contradictory, but spending time alone can be healthy.

I don’t mean spending time alone in your room for hours and hours.

What I do mean is to take the time out of your day to step back.

When your at work and laughing with friends and talking on the phone,

You’re socializing, but you’re not taking the time to be alone and look inside.

When you look inward, you begin to feel the power within.

Unleash it and use your powers for good.

9. Let go of negative people

It’s been said that we’re a product of the 5 people we surround ourselves with.

Your friends and family have a direct influence on your personal and professional development.

This influence is subconscious, meaning you don’t even realize it.

So choose your friends wisely.

Life’s too short for someone to bring you down.

Who matters? You matter.

And never let anyone tell you otherwise.

You’re in charge of your life journey and you must adjust your circle accordingly.

10. Think bigger

Everyday routines, and habits, and life distractions take a toll after a while. 

You start to run on autopilot.  

When you think bigger, it gives you a new sense of hope and a reason to aspire for more.  

Human beings are limitless and are only slowed down by the limiting beliefs put upon themselves.   

What if I told you that you can earn as much money as you want? 

Or that you can start over at any age? 

Only when you challenge your limiting beliefs, then you step into your true power. 

The only limits are the ones we put on ourselves. 

11. Eat healthy

You are what you eat.

or so they say…

but it’s the truth.

There’s nothing wrong with having a tasty treat on occasion.

But when your diet is mostly pizza, burgers, fries, and chips,

it’s time for a change.

There are so many life changing benefits to eating healthy.

From improved mood to reduced risk of heart attack or stroke, eating healthy is essential to healthy living.

Some foods give you an energy boost, while others slow you down.

Always be mindful of what you put into your engine (body).

12. Get better sleep

According to the American sleep Association, only about half of all adults get adequate rest.

Proper sleep is vital to maintaining a healthy mind and body.

When you’re asleep, your body is repairing itself and preparing for the next day.  

One of your SMART goals this year should be to improve your quality of sleep, which will improve your quality of life.  

From improved mood to increased concentration, getting more sleep is vital to healthy living.   

There is no substitute for a good night’s rest.

If you want a boost in your mood,

and increase the quality of your life,

get more sleep.

13. Don’t sweat the small things

There are so many things to get mad about.  

It’s easy to get upset when things go wrong.  

When this happens, it’s like a domino effect.

But is it that bad? 

Learn to not let things bother you.

When you say “NO, I won’t let this event get to me,” you acknowledge your power.  

Now you work your way up to a point where nothing bothers you, and you quit taking things personally.  

Remember QTIP (quit taking things personally). 

Now you have power. 

14. Practice gratitude

If you don’t appreciate the small things, you won’t be able to appreciate the bigger things.  

That’s because you haven’t learned gratitude.

Rather than ask for more things, take the time to appreciate what you already have.   

This holds true for your relationships as well. 

In a world of so many, you have to cherish those who are close to you.

Never take your relationships for granted. 

Spend time with family, friends, and loved ones.  

Life is temporary and goes by fast.

15. Play brain (mind) games

Your brain is like a muscle; you must exercise it to get the most out of it.  

Maintaining mental fitness will make you more resilient when life throws challenges your way.

You’ll also have more willpower, greater discipline, and form new habits with ease.

There are many ways to keep your mind sharp.

  • Legos 
  • Puzzles 
  • Sudoku 
  • Mind games 

A clear mind is the key to navigating through life successfully.

Exercising your mind each day will give you a keen mind.  

You’ll aslo have greater conviction in your beliefs. 

The Biggest Reasons People Don’t Achieve Their SMART Goals

(Follow these time-saving pro-tips)

Reason number 1: “I just don’t have enough time”

This is one of the biggest reasons for not achieving your goal.

But here’s the thing, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

It’s not the time that’s a problem it’s the use of the allotted time.

Reason number 2: “I just can’t make a routine.”

No one said it was going to be easy.

(Good) Discipline is the foundation of growth.

Without self-discipline, you won’t meet the consistency required to be your best self.

Human behavior is based on habits.

We all have good habits and bad habits,

Personal responsibility is how we can overcome our bad habits.

You must learn and respect your personal triggers to avoid relapse.

Reason number 3: “I don’t have the support I need.”

No one can accomplish anything without help in some form.

Humans are social beings and rely on one another for communication.

More people are consulting professional life coaches to serve as accountability partners to their goal setting.

Bottom line, no one should have to face their battles alone.

Despite societal stigmas, there’s absolutely no shame in asking for help.

I strongly encourage you to ask for help-

It’s the responsible thing to do.

So, what’s your goal this year?

Comment below.

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